For the first time since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Prince Albert Minor Football Association has announced they’re planning a return to play this spring.
The season will begin on May 1 and will go until mid-June, and excited president Taras Kachkowski told paNOW.
“We’re definitely looking forward to resuming for sure and I hope that our players signing up are going to be trying to get back at it to,” he said.
If COVID-19 restrictions are loosened, he said they may be able to play some games towards the end of the season. Until then, the different programs for boys and girls from Grade one to Grade 12 will focus on individual skill development.
The programs they’ll offer this season are Little Tykes, Spring 6-A side football (Pee Wee and Bantam), and high school Grades 9 to 12.
“We are hoping as more and more vaccinations are out there, and as things are hopefully coming back to normal that by the time the programs get close to the end, we’ll be able to get a couple of games in,” Kachkowski said.
He added it’s important for players to get back out on the field and into a routine to help return to normal.
“Boys and girls are both welcome to play, girls have often been some of our best players in our program actually, so I definitely welcome more female participation,” he said.
Group sizes will be limited, and, from Kachkowski’s understanding of the current restrictions, there can be eight players and two coaches on the field at a time per group.
“We’re just wanting to get back out on the field and whatever regulations we’ll need to comply in order to do it, that’s what it’ll be,” he said.
Further registration information can be found on their website.
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